I saw an article on ESPN last week about you addressing the drop in NFL viewership.
You blamed a number of things; the debates, lack of competitiveness, and then you shifted the blame from things like the anthem protests and even said you're not really sure that you're actually losing viewers.
Well I can tell you, you are. And the problem starts with you.
You've lost your players, they don't like you. You come off as super unrelatable in interviews, so you lose the common fan. You're starting to lose the owners --- the only reason you even HAVE a job. You overstep your punishment bounds when you're angry...and then sometimes you do nothing.
Like this week with Josh Brown.
The Giants kicker ADMITTED to beating his wife. He thinks he's a God. He thinks she deserved it.
So how in the hell did he end up on any roster for this season?
And how is it a one week suspension for him?
Commissioner, I'm sure you're aware that for the first time in the last few years SNF is ranking #1 in TV ratings with the female demographic of 18-49 year olds. You have said yourself you have people analyzing loss of viewership.
Your shops sell tons of women's gear, probably even more than men's gear because guys will wear one jersey every game, and plenty women I know have to have a new outfit every week. (I'm one of those. I will very rarely repeat.)
Why in the world would you alienate that demographic?
You literally did not apologize for the uptick in calls for excessive celebration and unsportsmanlike conduct for guys celebrating on the field because they "are role models to young children everywhere."
Well guess what? I literally do not give one damn about whatever dance someone does in the end zone. I don't care if someone dances after sacking my quarterback. (I'm actually too busy yelling at someone on the offensive line.)
I do care that you just sent the message that beating women is not as bad as possibly deflating some footballs.
That being a role model is simply limited to what people can see, not the admittance of their actions.
That I, as a female football fan, am only important to you as long as I'm buying bedazzled gear and tickets. Whatever it is that I do that continues to ensure you get your paychecks...and then your sleep well at night.
You can't preach about players being role models, and then drop the ball so royally.
If you really care about the NFL, and saving this league, then you'll step down. You'll let someone who hasn't lost every last shred of dignity they had left step in and try to save things. You would stop putting monetary profit above the wellbeing of your players and doing whatever it takes to preserve/increase those profits.
You would let someone who doesn't alienate a large part of it's fanbase by sending conflicting messages two year apart step in and clean up the mess you've made.
I think Sam Ponder summed it up best for me.
On the opposite side of the coin, Texans Wide Receiver DeAndre Hopkins is donating $1,000 for every touchdown he scores this month to raise awareness and provide assistance for DV victims. THIS is the link for the specific program he's supporting, but I encourage everyone to make a donation to any Domestic Violence Victim support program. Many women are far too afraid to seek help or often feel powerless when they do. You can help.